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Dan Grijzenhout, Instructor - SEO Starter Guide

Dan Grijzenhout

Is an online business and marketing Instructor with 9 published books. He has 35 years enterprise systems delivery experience including Internet, mobile/web & telecommunications large projects. He worked for large enterprises like: JP Morgan Chase; Air Canada & WestJet; Gateway; E&J Gallo Wines; TRW; USAF; Blue Cross & Blue Shield; 3M HIS; Nextel; Tong Yang Insurance; MCI; NYPD; and more.

Instructor: Dan Grijzenhout

Things You Must Do to Get to Page One of Search Engines Organically

  • Learn how to get your webpages "indexed" and visible within the Google search engine.
  • Instructor has 35 years enterprise systems delivery experience working at large enterprises like JP Morgan Chase; Air Canada; Nextel; Tong Yang Insurance; MCI; NYPD; and more.

Duration: 1h 43m

Course Description

This course centers around the technical steps you need to take to put your online assets (website, blog site, online store, etc.) in the best possible light in the eyes of search engines, more specifically Google and Bing-Yahoo. This course covers thing you absolutely must do to have even a shot at getting to page one of these search engines organically. I follow these lectures with additional guidance to help you construct and display your web page assets so that they not only pass scrutiny when being crawled by "Spiders" in the service of these search engines, but that they receive high-marks from these activities - which will hep you to place higher in the search engine rankings when organic searches are conducted by the public looking for online information. There are many "website designers" out there today completing sites using templates, widgets, etc. And the whole world is out there using similar keywords and keyword phrases trying to get found. You need to do things that set you apart from the herd as these days, keyword phrases entered into the search line of a search engine can return millions of results - and everyone is trying to get to page one and be found. To set yourself apart and actually get yourself found, requires you to complete certain "Must Do" technical steps in addition to doing the usual things done by all serious marketers such as building backlinks from 3rd party locations, promoting your site and pages on various social media platforms, blogging about it, creating videos on it, etc. This course teaches you step by step what these technical things are that you must complete before you even get to promoting your site(s). So signup for this course and get this work done for your site(s). The tasks documented within this course are necessary for you to succeed online organically. See you on the inside! Best wishes, - Dan Grijzenhout - Course Author

What am I going to get from this course?

Build a "sitemap.xml" file for submitting their website to the Google search engine.
Learn how to get their webpages "Indexed" and visible within the Google search engine.
Learn how to submit their "sitemap.xml" file to the Bing-Yahoo search engines.
Work with the Google Webmaster console to identify and correct website issues that may be hurting their search engine rankings.
Construct optimized for SEO webpages that search engines will like.

Prerequisites and Target Audience

What will students need to know or do before starting this course?

The student should have a Google Account setup (such as Google Plus, Google Adsense or Google Adwords, etc.).
The student should have a website he or she is trying to improve the visibility of online.
The student should have administrator or webmaster level access to the website being optimized.

Who should take this course? Who should not?

A home business entrepreneur who has published a website.
Any business or technical person desiring to improve a website's visibility online.
Anyone wanting to get their online assets optimized for better organic search results.


Module 1: Course Overview and SEO Impacting Informational Lectures

Lecture 1 Introduction to the Course

The information provided through this course is as close to "mandatory" to get done as it is possible to be if you want to organically get to the first page of the Google search engine for keyword phrases you have selected and made important for others to be able to find your site.  So go through this course and implement what you learn.

Lecture 2 Why It is Important to Optimize Your Website for SEO

There are two ways to get your website found on the Internet.  The first is where you spend money to try get people to look at your site in the hopes of getting them to purchase from you.  The second is to let people know how to reach you when they are already out there searching so they can purchase the types of things you sell.  if they find you in the second scenario, there is a good chance they will buy from you.  Which type of people do you want to see on your site the most - those that are looking for you already or those that you try to entice to your site through promotions and gifts?

Lecture 3 The Art of Search Engine Optimization

As we are starting off this course with a discussion on the Google Quality Score and its impacts on SEM and how good site SEO plays a part in securing a high Quality Score, I've included this lecture to give the student some strategies they can employ to help their websites improve their scores.

Lecture 4 Understanding and Improving Your Google SEO Standings

This lecture discusses the Google search engine in overview. It discusses how it works, and what it is looking for as it searches websites to see what sites are best to render for a person making a query for content through the engine. From a website development perspective, this lecture also discusses what your best strategies are to optimize your website design and components so as to give you the best possible chance of having your website show up to the user making the content query through Google.

Lecture 5 Thoughts on Publishing Articles

Publishing articles that you write online can have several benefits to you. First, it gains you recognition and exposure as a writer. Then, as your articles get distributed and posted by news and other agencies online, it gets you back links to your web and/or blog site. As people read your articles, they may even contact you to do some contract work for them as well. Lastly and not to be forgotten, you can use your written articles as a springboard to writing a book or E-book. This gives you even more back links, further improves your credibility as an author and provides you with another revenue source online.

Lecture 6 SEO and Internet Search Volumes

This lecture discusses the volumes of responses that search engine queries generate within Google and steps you need to take to keep improving your site SEO so you can get closer and closer to coveted first page rankings.

Lecture 7 Why is Google SEO a Necessary Component of Google SEM

One of the key components to minimizing your paid advertising costs per ad and to improving the placements of your ads within Google search engine results is a composite weighting factor of your website's "Quality Score" as viewed in the eyes of Google.  It definitely takes some SEO work on the website owner's part to show a good Quality Score to Google.  This video lecture explains this in more detail.

Lecture 8 Finding Your Website Niche and Chasing SEO

This lecture describes how Internet top performers go about selecting business niches - plural - and how they built multiple income streams from this work. SEO plays some key parts in this - so be sure to view this video.

Lecture 9 Google Search Engine - Organic SEO Impacting Changes for 2017

In this lecture I discuss a few key changes to the Google search engine being introduced during 2017.  These changes will have a significant impact on the design architecture and presentation of many websites doing business on the Internet today.  If you have an online website that you earn revenue from today or want to do well on the Google search engine organically during 2017, you need to watch this lecture to understand what is happening and why organic hits to your website may be dropping off, and possibly costing you revenue.

Module 2: SEO Improving Tasks to Complete

Lecture 10 Keyword Analysis and Google SEO - Are You Implementing This Correctly?

Many these days are doing keyword research and analysis in the hopes of ranking better organically on the Google and other search engines.  But are you implementing the results of your research correctly?  many are not.  This lecture tells you what many are doing wrong and it describes step by step what you need to do to implement the results of your keyword analysis in the right ways.

Lecture 11 A Checklist for Getting Organic Traffic

This lecture provides a checklist of ideas to pursue to increase the organic traffic to your website.

Lecture 12 Getting Your Website Righteous With Google

This lecture was put into this course to raise your awareness as to how search engines are seeing you and judging your site.  It discusses how you you can become aware of issues on your site and, more specifically, what needs to be fixed on your site so it passes inspection with the search engine - it becomes "Righteous" in their eyes...

Lecture 13 Getting Found Organically - Spiders, Crawlers and Indexing

The baseline webpage registration - indexing work is now behind you.  This lecture completes the technical work you need to do to get your website ranking work within search engines.  It discusses in detail, how to build your webpages in such a way so they will rank well by the "spiders/crawlers" sent out by the search engine entities once you requested that your pages be "Crawled".  Do not miss viewing this lecture!  Your work above will not do you much good if you neglect to do this work as well.  Get it done and you can make money organically.  Don't get it done, and you won't - it's as simple as that.

Lecture 14 Google - How to Keep Your Sitemap.xml File Current

Discusses the importance of building and submitting a sitemap.xml file to search engines and shows you step by step how to create one.

Lecture 15 Creating a Video Sitemap for Google Search Engine Submission

This lecture shows the viewer step by step how to create a video sitemap for submission to the Google Search Engine.

Lecture 16 How to Index Your Webpages Within the Google Search Engine

Now that you have published your sitemap, you also need to get your webpages registered - i.e., indexed, within the search engine itself so your site can be found through organic searches.  This lecture shows you how to do it within the Google environment.

Lecture 17 How to Index Your Webpages in the Bing Yahoo Search Engine

As in the above lecture, this lecture shows you how to get your webpages registered-indexed into the Bing-Yahoo search engine.

Lecture 18 Getting Images to Help You Rank Higher in Google Search Results

Images are an important SEO tool that you can use on your webpages to help you rank higher within the Google and other search engines.  Be sure to watch this video to learn tips and techniques to making your images work for you online.

Lecture 19 Strengthening Your Internal Links - Hub and Spoke Strategy

There is a strategy that many organizations use to strengthen their website presence in the eyes of the Google Search Engine.  This lecture describes what they do and how it works to improve your SEO rankings over time. Be sure not to miss this lecture.

Lecture 20 Using Analytics for SEO

This lecture lists a number of good analytical/statistical sites that will help to give you a good idea of how often, where, when and how your online assets are being viewed and explored by information searchers.