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Mammoth Interactive, Instructor - Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in 3 Hours

Mammoth Interactive

Make your next game, website, app or data science project with Mammoth Interactive! Over 400'000 students have enrolled in this online school since its founding in 2008. Targeting beginners, a Mammoth Interactive curriculum takes you step by step through a project from start to finish. Learn by doing in your next Mammoth Interactive course!

The Easiest Way to Learn How to Code for Web With an Experienced Teacher.

  • Learn the basics of programming.
  • Learn how to become a web developer.
  • Instructors helped launch careers of more than 400,000 students around the world.

Duration: 2h 44m

Course Description

Have you ever wanted to learn to code but don't know where to start? Learning how to code can get you a better job and lead to a better future. This course starts you off with the basic coding language of HTML. This is a condensed 3 hour tutorial that will show you how to code in HTML, CSS and JS. Enroll to begin your journey to be a web development master.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Learn the basics of programming
  • Learn how to design websites
  • Learn how to become a web developer
  • Get to know a platform for further development

Prerequisites and Target Audience

What will students need to know or do before starting this course?

  • Have access to an Internet connection
  • An up to date web browser
  • We use Google Chrome

Who should take this course? Who should not?

  • Complete beginners
  • People who want to become web developers
  • People who want to learn about web development


Module 1: 1 Hour HTML

Lecture 1 Introduction

Welcome to HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language. Let's get started!

Lecture 2 Requirements

To follow along with our examples, go to www.jsbin.com, which can run on a Mac, PC, or mobile device.

Lecture 3 What is JSBin?

This site is an editor that will allow you to see your creations in real time.

Lecture 4 Setting up the HTML Document

The first thing we need is to give our file a doc type.

Lecture 5 Header Tags and Paragraphs Tags

You make modifications to your code (and therefore, website) in between the body tags.

Lecture 6 Styles

To change the background colour of our website, you must give the body tag a style.

Lecture 7 Bold, Underline and Italic Tags

Ever wanted to bold, italicize, or underline the text on your site?

Lecture 8 Adding a Link

To insert a link to a webpage, use a link tag <a href>.

Lecture 9 Adding an Image

Let's practice inserting an image into your site.

Lecture 10 Adding Link to Image

How to have your image link to a webpage?

Lecture 11 Lists

Lists are often used to organize a website. Let’s create a horizontal list. Learn about types of lists!

Lecture 12 Tables

Let's make tables to organize web content.

Lecture 13 Types of Input

Let’s look at the various kinds of input tags.

Lecture 14 Adding a Submit Button

In this section, we will code a submit button.

Lecture 15 Scripts and Style Tags

Module 2: 1 Hour CSS

Lecture 16 Introduction

In this part, we will use CSS to change the appearance of a website.

Lecture 17 Requirements

What do you need for this section?

Lecture 18 HTML Styles Crash Course

We first need to understand the concept of tags in HTML.

Lecture 19 Adding Code to CSS

Let’s change the first paragraph to a headline.

Lecture 20 Adding IDs to CSS

Right now, we have one paragraph. But how do you differentiate multiple paragraphs that all have different styles?

Lecture 21 Classes in CSS

What are classes? Let's learn all about them! Suppose you want to have two paragraphs that are formatted in different ways. If you want to repeat their formats, you can use classes.

Lecture 22 Font Families

Font families work in different ways. There are general types of font families, and there are also specific fonts.

Lecture 23 Colors in CSS

Have you ever wanted to have your webpage contain different colors? Colors are crucial to the design of a website.

Lecture 24 Padding in CSS

Padding refers to the separations between items on a screen.

Lecture 25 Aligning and Transforming Text

You can align text in several places on the screen, such as right, center, left, and justify. Learn with examples!

Lecture 26 Margins and Width

Learn to style our paragraphs and headers in a way that will work on screens of differing sizes.

Lecture 27 Changing the Body

Did you know that you can modify the width of your entire website?

Lecture 28 Latin Text Generator

Learn how to add placeholder text to your design.

Lecture 29 Making a Horizontal Menu with HTML and CSS

If you're creating a website, you will probably need a menu bar so that users can navigate around your site.

Lecture 30 Adding a Background Image

Learn how to insert and change the appearance of a website's background image.

Lecture 31 Changing Margins in CSS

Module 3: 1 Hour JavaScript

Lecture 32 Introduction

Welcome to this section! JavaScript adds functionality to a website.

Lecture 33 Requirements

What do you need for this section?

Lecture 34 If Statements

An if statement runs code when a certain condition specified in parentheses passes.

Lecture 35 HTML, CSS and JS Crash Course

Get a review before jumping into JS!

Lecture 36 Making Functions
Lecture 37 Scaling Functions

When designing a website or app, your code will most likely have multiple functions. Therefore, you will often have to scale functions.

Lecture 38 Changing Text with JavaScript

Learn to make a button that will change certain text on your site.

Lecture 39 Variables

Variables are crucial to programming regardless of the language you're using. A variable is like a box into which you can put one piece of data, such as a number or character.

Lecture 40 Arrays

Learn how to use arrays to handle data.

Lecture 41 Objects

Objects as data types have different properties. When it comes to computer programming, we must take objects and input them into computers.

Lecture 42 Variable Scope

Learn how to set the scope of a variable.

Lecture 43 Adding User Input Text

Learn how to process user interaction with your site. This is crucial

Lecture 44 Calling Functions

Learn how to call on functions to perform actions.

Lecture 45 Else If and Else Statements

Learn about these variations on conditional statements.

Lecture 46 Changing the Style with JavaScript

You can change the appearance of your site with JavaScript.