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Packt Publishing, Instructor - End to End Pivotal Cloud Foundry for Web Developers

Packt Publishing

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Instructor: Packt Publishing

The steps involved in making your application

  • Set up the work space through core concepts.
  • Develop a Spring Boot RESTful web service and event-driven app for PCF.
  • Scale apps and authenticate Cloud Controller and the CF API.

Duration: 4h 06m

Course Description

This course kicks off by showing you the steps involved in making your application cloud-ready. Moving on, it delves into the various aspects involved in deploying your application and running it on Cloud Foundry. It also shows you how Spring Boot and PCF tremendously increase developer productivity. Later, we address the core challenges that Java developers face while developing PCF applications, such as understanding what PCF is and why companies adopt it. Then you'll delve deeply into more advanced topics such as integrating apps with the circuit-breaker dashboard, the cloud discovery server, and the config server. We will also cover highly-available PCF deployment models, as well as common CI pipelines to PCF with Jenkins. Further, we will explore the theory behind Hystrix and the circuit breaker pattern, and go on to learn patterns for config repositories and the config server.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Set up the work space through core concepts
  • Work with orgs, spaces, roles, and permissions
  • Monitor an application and logs
  • Develop a Spring Boot RESTful web service and event-driven app for PCF
  • Leverage auto-configuration for PCF and Spring Boot
  • Master advanced concepts and the PCF architecture.
  • Manage services through route, volume, and user-provided services.
  • Explore the PCF log aggregator.
  • Scale apps and authenticate Cloud Controller and the CF API.

Prerequisites and Target Audience

What will students need to know or do before starting this course?

Basic knowledge of Cloud Foundry is required to get you started with application deployment.

Who should take this course? Who should not?

This course is for developers and administrators who are dealing with Cloud Foundry in the production phase. This course is for Java developers; Java architects; cloud, application, and platform architects; and technical architects who have some prior knowledge of Cloud Foundry


Module 1: Learning Pivotal Cloud Foundry for Web Developers

Lecture 1 The Course Overview

This video provides an overview of the entire course.

Lecture 2 Setting Up Your Work Space

In this video, we will download and install Eclipse STS, the Gradle Buildship plugin and the Cloud Foundry command line interface. Install Eclipse STS Install Gradle plugin for eclipse Install the Cloud Foundry command line interface

Lecture 3 Navigating the PCF Console

In this video, we will discover features of PCF by exploring the PCF web console. Log in to PCF Explore the marketplace Explore the app management console

Lecture 4 Using the CF Command Line Interface to Interact with PCF

This video aims to explain the use of key CF commands to manage PCF. Explore the CF target command Explore the CF push command Usage of the CF create-service command

Lecture 5 PCF Architecture, Orgs, and Spaces

In this video, we will understand how PCF provides a framework for managing application environments at scale. Create an org Create a space View considerations for orgs and spaces

Lecture 6 Roles, Permissions and Marketplace Services

This video aims to explain PCF roles and permissions which are needed for development. Understand all the roles Learn the permissions for each role Understand what are developer roles

Lecture 7 Application Monitoring, Logs, and Build Packs

In this video, we will understand the concept of buildpacks in PCF and know which metrics PCF displays in the console, and how to view aggregated logs. Explore key metrics in PCF app dashboard Explore the Loggregator Explore the concept of buildpacks

Lecture 8 Provisioning a SQL Database from the PCF Marketplace

In this video, we will learn to provision a fully managed service in PCF from the marketplace. Explore the marketplace Deploy a MySQL database Manage and configure the deployed service

Lecture 9 Using Eclipse to Create a New Spring Boot Application

This video aims to explain how to create new bootstrapped Spring boot applications within Eclipse. Create a new spring boot starter project Explore the new project wizard Understand the project structure

Lecture 10 Leveraging Auto Configuration to Bootstrap Your Application

In this video, we will understand the concept of spring boot integration feature of PCF. Explore VCAP_SERVICES Explore the Spring cloud profile Explore Spring Beans

Lecture 11 Creating Your Application’s Manifest YAML File

In this video, we will learn to create a deployment manifest to inform Cloud Foundry how to deploy applications. Explore YAML structure of the manifest Understand key manifest properties Deploy with multiple manifests

Lecture 12 Developing Our Web Service and Building it Using Gradle

This video aims to explain the dependency management tools and building deployable artifacts. Understand the use of Gradle Eclipse plugin Learn basic Gradle structure Understand where to list dependencies in Gradle build file

Lecture 13 Viewing the Final App and Testing with Postman

In this video, we will learn REST client for exploring REST API’s Finding the Postman Chrome app Build a GET and POST request Understand REST response

Lecture 14 Deploying Your Application to PCF Using the CF Command Line

In this video, we will learn how to push your application to Cloud Foundry using the CF push command Usage of the CF push command Understand the CF push process Explore arguments to the CF push command

Lecture 15 Provisioning a RabbitMQ Message Broker from the PCF Marketplace

This video explains how to facilitate an event-driven architecture. Install RabbitMQ from marketplace Login to the RabbitMQ dashboard Create a queue

Lecture 16 Developing the Producer and Consumer Applications with Spring Boot

In this video, we will create an application that can publish a message to RabbitMQ. Use the Spring Boot starter Rabbit library Create a Spring Boot app Create a REST API to publish a message

Lecture 17 How PCF Injects Properties into Your App for Auto Configuration

In this video, we will understand what PCF does to facilitate auto configuration. Understand VCAP_SERVICES Learn smart defaults in Spring Boot Learn Spring Boot integration with PCF

Lecture 18 Building Your Application Using Maven

This video aims to explain Maven POM. Understand where to put dependencies in the POM Learn what is local .m2 repository Understand remote maven repository

Lecture 19 Deploying Your Application Using the CF Command Line Without a Manifest YAML File

In this video, we will pass parameters to the CF push command rather than using a manifest YAML. Specifying memory limit in CF push Specifying app name in CF push Specifying app instances in CF push

Lecture 20 Confirming Your Application Works by Viewing Messages in the RabbitMQ Dashboard

In this video, we will learn how to view messages in the RabbitMQ dashboard to confirm messages are being processed. Log into the RabbitMQ dashboard from PCF View the queue activity in the dashboard Putting a message on the queue

Module 2: Mastering Pivotal Cloud Foundry for Web Developers

Lecture 21 The Course Overview

This video provides an overview of the entire course.

Lecture 22 CI with Jenkins and Disaster Recovery Strategies

In this video, we will learn how to achieve high-availability with PCF and how to deploy to PCF using the CF plugin for Jenkins. Learn how to use the CF plugin for Jenkins Understand disaster recovery strategies Learn load-balancing architecture in PCF

Lecture 23 Security Groups and Container-to-Container Security

This video aims to explain how PCF handles security. Learn what are application security groups (ASG's) Learn what is container-to-container security Learn what is the discovery marketplace service

Lecture 24 Resource Limitations in PCF

In this video, we will learn how to configure resource limitations in PCF. Learn to configure org quotas Learn to configure space quotas Learn what are resource limitations in PCF

Lecture 25 Exploring the PCF Log Aggregator

This video aims to explain how we can view application logs in PCF. Understand how to view the loggregator Configure streaming logs to an external source Explore other ways to manage logs

Lecture 26 Auto-Scaling Apps and the Cloud Foundry SDK

In this video, we will learn how PCF manages to scale applications based on load. Learn to bind an App Autoscaler to our app Configure the App Autoscaler Understand how the App Autoscaler works

Lecture 27 Route, Volume, and User-Provided Services

In this video, we will understand the different types of services we can create in PCF. Understand volume services Understand route services Learn user provided services

Lecture 28 Achieve a Blue-Green Deployment

In this video, we will understand how PCF supports zero-downtime deployments. Understand the 'cf map-route' command Explore the 'cf unmap-route' command Learn the 'cf delete-route' command

Lecture 29 Cloud Controller and the CF API

In this video, we will explore the REST API exposed by the cloud controller. Explore what operations are available Learn the cloud controller component Understand how to scale an app using the CF API

Lecture 30 Route Traffic with CF Gorouter

In this video, we will explore how CF handles URLs to apps. Learn what is a route Understand how to map routes Learn limitations in routing

Lecture 31 The Garden Container

This video aims to explain what the Garden container is. Learn containerization concepts Understand virtual machine concepts Explore Garden container

Lecture 32 The Diego Brain and Allocation of Resources

In this video, we will understand how PCF automatically provisions resources. Understand what is Diego brain Learn what is Auctioneer Understand how auctioning works

Lecture 33 The Internal PCF OAuth 2.0 Auth Server (UAA)

In this video, we will understand how PCF protects its internal resources. Learn the OAuth 2.0 protocol Learn the four grant types of OAuth 2.0 Learn how to interact with the UAA

Lecture 34 Understanding, Provisioning and Configuring the Config Server

In this video, we will understand how to externalize configuration from apps. Learn what is a config server Learn how to deploy a config server Understand how to allow apps to use the config server

Lecture 35 Creating and Manipulating the Discovery Server

This video aims to explain how we can route to services by virtual IP. Understand what the discovery service is Understand how to create a discovery client Learn how to register a service with discovery

Lecture 36 Constructing the Circuit-Breaker Dashboard

In this video, we will learn how to monitor our application health, success rate and latency in real time. Learn what is Hystrix Understand what is the circuit breaker pattern Learn how to use the hystrix library

Lecture 37 Understanding Hystrix and Circuit- Breaker Pattern

This video aims to explain in detail what Hystrix helps us with. Understand how Hystrix prevents saturation Understand how Hystrix helps resiliency Understand how to trigger hystrix circuits to open

Lecture 38 Bootstrapping the Microservices to Connect to the Supporting Services

In this video, we will understand how to configure our apps to use the supporting services. Explore further the configuration for config server Understand the configuration for discovery server Explore the configuration for Hystrix

Lecture 39 Deploying the Microservices to PCF Using a Manifest

In this video, we will revise deploying a Micro services architecture. Deploy multiple apps Explore the manifest yaml Learn the cf push process

Lecture 40 Config, Discovery and Circuit-Breaker Dashboards

In this video, we will view our supporting services dashboards in action. Learn to view the circuit breaker dashboard Understand how to view the discovery service dashboard Learn to see the config server configuration

Lecture 41 Spring Boot Actuator and Refreshing Properties

This video aims to explain more about Spring boot actuator. Learn what are the available endpoints Learn about refreshing application properties on the fly using spring actuator Learn about externalizing config